Nina Alexander

Nina Alexander

Nina Alexander is a seasoned Chartered Marketer and CIM Member with over 20 years of hands-on marketing expertise. Having held positions such as Marketing Director and CMO, Nina has consulted for over 200 companies, with experience spanning cutting-edge sectors like data visualisation, digital health, blockchain, software development, and SaaS. Nina's contributions to education include creating training content for the L4 and L6 university-grade education programmes, now leveraged by marketing executives and managers at global giants like Vodafone, Centrica, and Adidas. Today, Nina works in consulting technology organisations on marketing automation, and empowering C-level personnel with training on the effective structuring and operation of marketing departments. ADD CONTACT Mastodon

What is marketing automation?

What is marketing automation

In this (rather lengthy) article, I’ll attempt to give you a basic understanding of what is marketing automation. Stay tuned for more info by signing up to the weekly newsletter. Simply put, marketing automation means using software tools to automate…

How marketing departments (should) work

This article takes you through the structure and responsibilities of the people within an imaginary company’s marketing team and aims to show how a marketing department should work. As you read through, you’ll probably find yourself smirking and saying things…